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Bowling Green State University--Bowling Green, OH

For Students Entering Grades 9-12

June 23-28, 2024

Cost is $274

Online Registration is now open. 

Registration deadline is February 28th.

We are excited about this year's camp experience.  Camp is a time for students to go deeper in their faith and unplug from the world.  Camp allows students to become more connected to Jesus and community.  Students will experience worship services; small group discussions; afternoon activities (swimming, outdoor games, dodgeball tournament, etc.); fun late-night activities; and building relationships with friends and mentors, making this the best summer ever! 

The cost of MOVE is $274 and includes transportation, lodging, and all camp meals, as well as general session and small group programming. Additional travel money is needed for travel meals, snacks, and souvenirs. All registration is online and requires a non-refundable $65 deposit, with the option to make payment in full or in increments through May 28thAll registrations must be paid in full by May 28th.

To attend with Connersville, you must register through the Connersville link.  Please complete the registration form and make your payment here


We will depart from Connersville Christian Church in the church van on Sunday morning, June 23th at 9:00 am.  We will return on June 28th around 1pm.  

Each registered camper will receive a confirmation email with a link to the CIY MOVE FAQ page, packing list, camp map, link to the medical information form, and other important information.  

Sunday, June 23th Check-in: 

Check in will begin Wednesday, June 23th at Connersville in the parking lot at 9:00am.  We will eating lunch on the road, which is not included in the cost.


All medications (prescription and non-prescription) should be brought in their original containers clearly marked with the camper's name.  Medications will be collected at check-in, stored in the camp nurse's office, and distributed daily by a Connersville chaperone. 

We will be leaving Connersville at 

Friday, June 28th Pick-Up: 

We will return to Connersville by 1:00pm. 

Additional Information: 

Camp Store: Students may purchase items from the camp store.  Items include drawstring backpacks, baseball caps, CDs, T-shirts, and other MOVE souvenirs.  

Mission Offering:  CIY will give students the opportunity to give money to a mission they have chosen to support this summer during one of the worship sessions.  Your camper might consider bringing along money to contribute to this mission and feel the joy of supporting God's kingdom work.  ($20 or less) 

Camp Address: 231 Bowen-Thompson Student Union

                         Bowling Green, OH 43403

Camp Phone: (419) 372-2531 

If you have any questions about the week, please feel free to get in touch with Nick Jones, Connersville's Associate minister, who will be leading this trip.  

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